Posted in Couplings

A torque limiter

A torque limiter ensures mechanical hardware, or its work, from harm by mechanical over-burden. A torque limiter may confine the…

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Posted in Couplings

What is grid coupling and how to install grid couplings?

Grid couplings, similar to disc and gear couplings, are planned in light of high torque thickness applications. Normally made out…

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LoveJoy Rathi Disc Couplings
Posted in Couplings

Lovejoy Rathi Disc Couplings

Disc couplings give a dependable transmission of mechanical power from heading to a driven machine where low support, non-greased up…

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Choose right disc couplings
Posted in Couplings

How to choose the right Disc Couplings

Disc couplings: Transfers torque from a driving to a driven bolt extraneously on a typical bolt circle. Torque is transmitted…

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Posted in Couplings

How to Install a Grid Coupling

Grid coupling, similar to disc and gear couplings, are structured with high torque density applications. Regularly made out of two…

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How to Install a Disc Coupling
Posted in Couplings

How to install a Disc Coupling

A disc coupling is a generally basic coupling design, comprising of two hubs, a centre member, two-disc packs and fastening…

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Flange Couplings-Rathi Group
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Flange Couplings-Rathi Group

We offer our products internationally and a huge assortment of a range of couplings which are promptly made accessible through…

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Couplings and its Applications
Posted in Couplings

Couplings and its Applications in Industry

Couplings are regularly overlooked until a task is nearing its end. With time running out, clients regularly buy whatever a…

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Tyre coupling manufacturers
Posted in Couplings

Why Rathi Group are the best tyre coupling manufacturers

A coupling is a gadget used to associate two shafts together at their completions to transmitting power. When it comes…

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Gear Couplings Types and Applications
Posted in Couplings

Gear Couplings: Types and Applications

Couplings are mechanical components that ‘couples’ two drive components which empower a movement to be exchanged starting with one component…

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